If you are experiencing any issues with your subscription, try our troubleshooting steps below:
- If you have not yet created a Scribble Scrubbie Pets Profile, we would encourage you to do so using the SIGN IN tab on the main screen of the app. You will need to do this on the device that purchased the subscription.
Try logging out and back into your Scribble Scrubbie Pets Profile on the device that holds your subscription.
- After this, you may also need to log your other devices back into your profile.
- If you're receiving an error when attempting to login to your Crayola Scribble Scrubbie Pets profile, ensure that your email perfectly matches the one used to create your profile because it is case sensitive.
If you continue to experience any issues accessing your subscription while logged into a Profile, reach out to our team with your Profile email address and proof of an active subscription using this link.